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How to get out of hell

What is hell? Hell is one's own mind when it's under the control of the ego. Here's an actual picture of the inside of my brain before recovery: How can you tell it's under the control of the ego? Desire, excitement, tension, fear, anxiety, grievance, resentment, guilt, shame, etc. None of what follows is novel or new, and I've written about these matters many times before, but it does no harm to periodically update the list and ensure it is furnished with my latest experiences and tips. What is set out below is basically everything I have tried that has worked plus a few things that really do not help. Have a good daily programme Pages 84 to 88 of the Big Book  cover comprehensively how to structure and manage the day, from the moment one gets up in the morning until one goes to sleep at night. I will not rehash those four pages here, save to say the content falls under the headings of Steps Ten and Eleven, which can be read about comprehensively here and here . P

Decisions, decisions

A talk on casting aside self-sufficiency ...

A talk on Tradition Seven (Al-Anon) ...

Every day ... must ...


Re-potting the potted

Baseline gratitude

Design for living

"Should I just let X do Y?"

The fallacy of standing up for oneself

Stopping drinking

Am I just fooling myself?

Stopping and staying stopped

Ghosts [but not the Ibsen]

The personal news cycle

The complaining of others


Laxatives vs endoscopy

A talk on very early days ...

Dealing with aberrant behaviour

Four talks from Berlin ..

Letting go

No programme


Cordon sanitaire

The red horse

Divine help



Full throttle

Powerlessness in Al-Anon

Restraint of tongue and pen

Now is the summer of our content

Lean not unto thine own understanding

Self-pity, pity, and self-righteousness


A talk on pages 128 to 131 ...


Double-edge sword

Glum and disapproving

Levelling of pride

Pop Quiz


Peace of mind

Being incompetent is not part of alcoholism

Turning it over


Becoming a worthwhile human being

Is the process of the Steps painful?

Graven image

Concept X

The Work


Does it need to be thought about?

Fat head

Them and us

A talk on Step Three ...

A talk for newcomers ...

Uphill struggle: What is insanity?

Emptiness and identity