
Three recordings of the wonderful John McQ ...

A talk on Steps Six and Seven ...

The unruly sub-committee

Cloud capp'd towers

100% sober

ISM = I Serve Myself


All our affairs

Thanks a million!

Right and wrong gratitude

Wanting and gratitude

Who am I?

Reopening old wounds

No questions, please

Step Seven: the removal of defects

What's my identity?

How do you deal with ...

"cast out one’s own will and one’s own ideas" (Step Three)

Enthusiasm and discipline

אני לא עובד על הפגמים שלי

I do not work on my defects

למה אני לא מפחד מפגמי אופי גדולים

Why I am not scared of big character defects

The zones of willingness

Talks on Concept VI ...

ODAT, June 16

Gossip and Step Nine

Acceptance sometimes really is the answer


Who doesn't love a quiz?

A talk on using the Traditions in one's life ...

A Step Eleven Review ...


To go forward go back not forward because forward is back and back is forward


Self-centeredness: a diagnostic tool

Running life on self-will: a diagnostic tool

Grief, options, and the princess manquée


Retaking the Steps


The first three Steps in outline

Fearless and THOROUGH ... ALL persons we had harmed ...

Brain fog: the ego's defence

Bastard thoughts


Tradition VII: God-reliance

Step Six

A talk on Concept VI ...




Concept VI

הצעד השישי: האם פגמי האופי הם קביים, מנגנוני הישרדות, הגנות?

Step Six: are defects crutches, survival mechanisms, defences?

Tradition XII and practising anonymity

Who knows? Who cares?!