The ISM in alcoholism is sometimes viewed as the real problem, not the alcohol.
I think alcohol is a real problem. But I take the point that there is something wrong underneath, namely selfishness. Selfishness means I can't serve God. Serving God is the way to have a relationship of reliance with God. Reliance on God is the only defence against the imperious urge to drink.
Here are some ISMs, some instances of I Serve Myself, that I've found particularly troublesome:
Materialism: seeing myself as a physical body in the physical world, deriving all my pleasures and satisfactions from the material world and permanently at its mercy, doomed to die, rather than seeing myself as a spirit playing out roles on a fictional stage.
Hedonism: living for present pleasure and the avoidance of present pain; living for the moment rather than in the moment; seeking immediate satisfaction rather than the living of a satisfactory life.
Sensualism: over-emphasis on the physical (sex, food, physical comfort) rather than recognising that the physical is the ultimately trivial container for a much richer Good.
Activism: hysterically dividing the world into the goodies and the baddies, by seeing the world only through the lens of my ideology, by demonising anyone who disagrees with me, by seeking to revolutionise the world according to my model by force not conviction, persuasion, and consensus, by attacking, belittling, and ridiculing opposing points of view, and by demonising anyone who disagrees with me with unanswerable debasing slurs (NB there are legitimate ways of engaging in programmes to change the world positively in a kind, constructive, and genuinely helpful way, and these, too, are a form of activism; what I'm talking about is my own revolutionary communist days and my armchair and laptop self-righteousness about social, economic, and political questions.)
Cynicism: looking for the worst motives; doom-mongering; conspiracy-theorising; rather than seeing the fundamental good of humanity, balance, and reason.
Scepticism: not trusting trustworthy others; not trusting God; wanting proof of the unprovable; locking myself into an untenable present because I cannot believe in the possibility of growth, change, renewal, or redemption, rather than trusting and then acting on the basis of that trust.
Individualism: living for myself; seeing myself as a tower on a hill, under attack by enemy forces; looking after number one; insisting on having an identity and preoccupied with figuring out what that identity is, rather than seeing myself as a cell in the body, with its purpose only within the system in which it was formed.
Atheism: viewing the world and living as thought God is non-existent, absent, or outside the equation rather than seeing the world as a sandbox in a universe presided over by God.
All of these ways of serving myself I've had to give up to instead serve God.