
The first three Steps on problems other than alcohol

Orders or suggestions?

5-minute blog: finding God

Hurts, the making of troubles, and the manufacture of misery

Resentment and fear

What it's all about

The thing about fear

The failure of self-knowledge

What we learn from Jim's story


A few things that have helped me

Dealing with problem situations

A simple review

The answer's in the Book


Other people's faults

Let's avoid the deliberate manufacture of misery (page 133)

Good to myself


Abandon ship!

How to succeed in any endeavour

Step Six fears

Pot-ay-to or pot-ah-to?

Trémaux's algorithm and a few simple rules

Self-esteem and integrity

Sponsorship—do I just listen to my sponsor, or can I listen to other people too? What does the Big Book say?

The Big Book—literally and liberally

Seven simple ways to meditate

Some experience on sponsorship: bakers, trees, and hunger

Preparing to hear a Step Five

Teenagers and grown-ups


'Live And Let Live', 'Big Book World', and the straw-man argument

First things first

Do I need multiple fellowships?

Concept XI