Restraint of tongue and pen

I have to be careful to avoid:

- Filling silence because I am uncomfortable

- Sharing every thought that has come to me

- Thinking of things to say for the sake of it

- Contributing more than my fair share to conversation

- Turning the conversation to myself

- Viewing meeting sharing limits at targets not caps

- Going over time because I haven’t finished

- Giving people advice they did not ask for

- Engaging people who signal wanting to be left alone

- Raising topics so I can vent my views

- Trying to find out why people are upset or quiet

- Thinking aloud

- Commenting on my own errors or disorganisation

- Justifying

- Explaining

- Defending

- Sharing intentions

- Bragging

I’ve still got a way to go.

I'm going to take a leaf out of Cogey's book.