"This workbook cannot help those who are active in their addictions. We don’t know of any programme which can help these people. Perhaps it is as simple as this: when the time comes to face the healing process these people avoid the process via their addiction. Common sense tells us we need to totally abstain while working on this healing process. The mind that made us sick cannot make us well in its present state nor under the influence of the addiction. We need something higher than us, different than us, other than us, that can and will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. This is a mind-training and spiritual-awakening programme, so it is important to be consciously present." (Al Kohallek)
Once someone is clean and sober, able to think clearly, and emotionally present, I might be able to help them.
Until then, I can’t.
I can suggest detox, but I can’t administer detox.
The initiative must lie with them, however: I cannot induce willingness.
Until then there’s prayer, which is a recognition of my own powerlessness.