What does self-will feel like?

When I'm doing God's will, I'm usually just humming along, not really thinking about anything but the task at hand.

Here are some indicative signs of being in self-will:

  • Strong feelings of desire, wanting, longing, fantasy, or nostalgia
  • Strong feelings of repugnance, aversion, or avoidance
  • Apathy, boredom, or unusual tiredness
  • Distraction, restlessness, or inability to concentrate
  • Spending money without planning
  • Spending money beyond one's means
  • Taking actions that jeopardise structural elements (relationships, work, home)
  • Conflicted drives or motivations or other uncertainty
  • Excitement, getting carried away
  • Taking action based on:
    • Impulse
    • Apparent 'imperatives' (feeling you have to do something now ... or else)
    • Compulsion
    • Fear
    • Anger
    • Guilt
    • Shame
    • Excitement
    • Ideas that are very recent
  • JEDI mind-tricks (in thought or communication with others)
    • Justification
    • Explanation
    • Defence
    • Intentions (the expression of, good or bad, past or future)
  • Rescheduling, juggling, changing one's mind, reorganising others, or cancellation
  • A build-up of tasks not performed
  • Failure to discharge obligations
  • Avoidance of necessary actions
  • Mentally blocking out certain responsibilities
  • Making or considering more than one major change at a time
  • Making or considering more than one major change in a short period
  • Avoiding people who express caution or concern or counsel pausing
  • Seeking out people who are unquestioningly supportive of whatever one does
Count up how many have occurred over the past week.