I'm responsible for me.
You're responsible for you.
I'm furthermore responsible for acting honourably, courteously, and constructively towards others.
Others' perception of their responsibility towards me is their business.
When others overextend themselves towards me, through Unwanted Helping, Meddling, or Solicitous Fretting, it is up to me to politely block.
When others fall short in a genuine obligation to me, it is up to me to signal this.
Few others have a genuine obligation towards me, however: I am very careful who I enter into a transaction with or place in a position of obligation towards me.
Due diligence before such an arrangement is made pays handsome dividends in the long run.
When such an obligation is flouted, rectification is rare. Typically I must learn the lesson and reconfigure.
In short, my responsibility for me entails my responsibility for my conduct towards you and includes my response to others' (limited) responsibilities towards me.
No one owes me anything except by their express agreement and my express acceptance of that due.