A stable house cannot be built on sand.
A stable perception of reality cannot be built on delusion.
The world thinks: I'm not responsible for me but I am responsible for you; you're not responsible for you but you are responsible for me.
Nothing that flows from this insanity is sane; the plant that sprouts from this bilious seed bears ill fruit.
No tending, no fertiliser, no trimming, no training, no horticultural activity can turn wormwood into a cedar of Lebanon.
This is why it is almost impossible to discuss anything with anyone fruitfully.
The inputs into the equation are different.
When I believe my experience of the world lies downstream of the world, my premise is false, and every syllogism based on this premise is false.
Yet who believes otherwise?
Oh, some do. They tend to be on the quiet side, because they have learned. You can tell who they are, because they have an eerie solidity.