My starting point when facing any problem is the recognition that the appearance of the situation, which means how it appears to me, is incorrect.
If I'm unhappy, nothing I see is guaranteed to be in reality as it appears in my perception.
The faculty of discernment of true and false is offline, although the lights on the control panel are still flashing.
Appearances are created by me, by the Unhappiness Monster within, then taken for reality.
This is why recovery, although requiring a catalogue of those appearances, is not based on the accuracy of their description.
What is being described is a set of delusions, in order that their delusional nature can be discarded.
This is why spending two years with four ring binders of paper on Step Four is useless.
Much better to spend a month, two months, and produce thirty pieces of paper.
The only point of the pieces of paper is to produce a bonfire with them.
A small quantity of looseleaf paper burns easily.
Ring-binders, less so.
The danger of scrupulosity and wordiness in inventory is the turning of phantasms into fortresses.
The solution lies, instead, in the basic and simple hope that one is utterly wrong.
On that basis, the first sensible question can be asked.
What do You want me to do today?
From that starting point, the actual truth can be shown.
It can't be wrested or wrestled from the world of delusions.
If you shake the delusion tree, no real apples will fall out.
Instead, one must let this world pass away.
And then the next appears automatically.