Literally for heaven's sake, stop thinking about it!

Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well. (Big Book)

How can I best help the alcoholic? By not interfering when he gets into difficulties. I must detach myself from his shortcomings, neither making up for them nor criticising them. Let me learn to play my own role, and leave his to him. If he fails in it, the failure is not mine, no matter what others may think or say about it. “For though we are made especially for the sake of one another, still each of us has his own tasks. Otherwise another’s faults would harm me, which God has not willed, in order that my happiness may not depend on another.” (Marcus Aurelius: Meditations, paraphrased) (One Day At A Time In Al-Anon)

How do I detach?

(1) Recognise that 100% of my feelings come from my judgement of the facts, not from the facts. If I want to change the feelings, I have to change the judgement of the facts.

(2) Once I am peaceful and cheerful, then assess the situation and ask God what constructive contribution I am to make to it.

(3) Make it.


(4) Stop talking about others' difficulties and shortcomings.

(5) Stop thinking about others' difficulties and shortcomings.

Step Two talks about a restoration to sanity. That means, prior to the restoration, I'm insane. When I'm fixated on their difficulties and shortcomings, I'm insane. When I'm focused on God and seeking God's will, I'm sane.