[From the hymn Dear Lord and Father of Mankind]
What are those foolish ways? In my case:
- Looking for chemical solutions to living problems
- Expecting reason from the unreasonable
- Expecting logic from the illogical
- Expecting morality from the immoral
- Expecting love from the loveless
- Expecting the mechanism that is winding down to wind up
- Believing that monetary achievement will bring happiness
- Believing that career achievement will bring happiness
- Looking for value, identity, purpose ('VIP') in the material world
- Abiding by the modern values of 'HIMSELF'
- Hedonism (living for pleasure and comfort)
- Individualism (seeing my interests in competition with others')
- Materialism (treating this realm as the realm that counts)
- Selfishness (neglecting duties towards others)
- Egotism (having myself as my primary purpose)
- Licentiousness (sexual interest and action outside its proper place)
- Flattery (living life for acclaim, whether my own or others')
The same hymn goes on to say:
"in purer lives thy service find"
Purified of the above, my life is simpler:
- Do what needs to be done to keep the show on the road
- Humbly serve
- Appreciate