I've found I do not need to define the Higher Power.
Necessarily, it is infinitely bigger than me, and its nature is not circumscribed by my definition.
My understanding of something is not a valuable contribution to the truth.
The only things that are required are:
- The belief it can restore me to sanity (Step Two)
- The trust that its direction, if followed, is sufficient to deliver care (Step Three)
- The trust that its direction, if followed, can bring about change (Step Six and Seven)
- The seeking of that direction (Step Eleven)
- The following of that direction (Steps Four, Five, Eight, Nine, Ten, and Twelve)
The aspect of God that is relevant to me is the relationship with me, and in particular my role in that relationship. What God is and God's side of the deal, beyond what is outlined above, is of academic curiosity and not essential to the process.