Be still

To let God act on me, I need to be still.

This can be achieved firstly through the attempt to be entirely still.

To be entirely still is virtually impossible.

To do one thing, however, is possible.

Whatever the task at hand is is the one thing.

Whilst doing that, I can reject all temptation to regard anything else; I can refuse to respond to anything else that enters my mind; I can en-shield myself so that God or the angels or the saints or the whoever are asked (and trusted) to handle everything for me; I can then concentrate on the task at hand.

In doing just what is in front of me I discover myself entirely freed from the so-called world, which was only ever a set of notions and images in my mind in respond to external prompts.

Relaxing into God means relaxing into the blue noise of silently serving, one task at a time.