Some things I’ve learned:
Leave them to it.
Leave them to their own fates and, occasionally,
Let the whirling dervishes whirl.
Let it break around you.
Don’t pick unripe apples.
Stay out of the blast radius.
Keep your wind out of other people’s sails.
Keep your sails out of other people’s wind.
If they don’t want to work the programme, let them.
If they want to do it differently, let them.
If they won’t make their bed, let them.
If they make their bed, let them lie in it.
There’s no need to get in it with them.
If they make foolish decisions, grab the popcorn.
Don’t stop to bark at every squirrel or you’ll
never get to the park.
You can’t mend them so don’t try, even if they plead
Leave them lay where the Good Lord flang them:
Step over the body and get on with your life.