How do you stay sober?

There are lots of temptations to be unhappy

I have made the decision to be at peace

That means:

The decision to accept everything as it

And then to get on with God's job for me

To be grateful not for selected things but for everything

I seek to solve all of my problems by spiritual means

This means:

Going to God

Applying the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts

Doing so again, again, and again

And accepting the results

Some things obviously get better

Other things appear to remain unresolved

But those unresolved things

must be fully accepted

And then I am at peace

And problems become facts

All of my other difficulties:

Mental illness


... have been eliminated or worked around

Anything can be dealt with IF

I'm willing to experience life as it is

... including pain and difficulty

If I resist, my addiction fires up

It will re-narrate the world UNTIL:

A pill, a drink, a sniff, a click, an encounter

Seems only right and quite inevitable

All slips start with resistance to reality

The loophole in the back pocket

Upset = thirsty

Frightened = thirsty

Angry = thirsty

Down = thirsty

Depressed = thirsty


I seek God

Sometimes He comes

Sometimes, apparently, not

But no matter

In the meantime:

Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks :

so longeth my soul after thee, O God.

My soul is athirst for God, yea, even for the living God :

when shall I come to appear before the presence of God?

My tears have been my meat day and night :

while they daily say unto me, Where is now thy God?

The universe is constantly singing to you
