Sometimes people say that, when they take Step Three, 'nothing happens'.
Oh, but it does. I think we get some grace to sort ourselves out with the Steps.
But if a person then drifts or drives back into self, and reattaches to their own little plans and designs, the Law kicks in ...
What forms does this take? Innumerable forms.
In my case, I get physically sick. There are, I'm sure, many reasons for injury and sickness, so injury and sickness are not, in themselves, signs that I've taken my will back. But the reverse is the case: when I assume ownership of my life, I get sick.
How might this operate?
Ownership confers responsibility, but responsibility without authority. This generates fear, as I cannot control that for which I have made myself responsible.
Conversely, if God gives me authority, but I do not take responsibility, guilt and fear corrode me from the inside.
It's clear how this can produce physical illness; in my case: viral infections and inflammatory conditions.
Responsibility and authority must go together:
I am responsible only for that for which I am responsible, and I must exercise the concomitant authority accordingly.
If I take responsibility for that for which I am not responsible; if I fail to accept responsibility for that for which I am responsible; if I attempt to exercise authority I do not have; if I fail to exercise authority vested in me; if I do any of these, I become ill.