Accepting the unacceptable

In Al-Anon, there is frequent discussion of 'not accepting the unacceptable'. This is confusing, because 'accepting' can mean (a) recognising that a state of affairs is true (b) no longer vainly wishing it were different (c) not attempting to alter it (d) not taking other measures to mitigate its impact.

Often, the 'unacceptable' behaviour is the behaviour of the alcoholic, stemming from their powerlessness over their action.

Anything disagreeable must be accepted in the senses of (a) and (b). Whether (c) is possible is a function of the situation. Attempting to induce someone to change their behaviour is often inappropriately intrusive. Where it's reasonable, it's almost always unrealistic. The individual is usually aware that the behaviour is disagreeable. Even if they comply, they usually cannot follow through. In most cases, all I can do is (d), e.g. move out, resign, change the locks, block the number, arrange for my own transportation, etc.