Some ideas to help get over Step Two blocks:
- I do not need to firm up a particular belief system
- Keep an open mind
- Don't fight
- Don't get abstract
- Don't try and understand the whole shooting-match
- Continue taking action
- Trust the concrete: AA and Al-Anon
- Recognise: problems won't yield to morality and willpower (alone)
- Abandon notion of self-sufficiency
- Abandon reliance on own knowledge and thinking
- The current container needs to be broken for a new, larger one to be built
- The current 'home' needs to be abandoned for a better one to be found
- Eschew negativity about religion, spirituality, and God
- Drop demands of God for particular outcomes
- Drop outline for what the future will hold for the world
- Drop outline for what the future will hold for me
- Ask God: what can I do for you?
- Humility: right-sized-ness
- I am very small; God is very big
- Be rigorous about the daily disciplines:
- No coasting, half-measures, gaps, perfunctory performance, or sloppiness
- Adopt the same rigour after years or in feast as in famine
- Do precisely what is asked; only then progress onto fancier practices