Wrong wrong wrong

All day, every time you assess a situation, any situation, say to yourself:
But I am probably wrong to a greater or lesser extent. I do not have all the facts. I cannot read the past. I cannot see the future. I do not know what I cannot see. I do not know what lies beyond the horizon. I do not know for sure what others are thinking or feeling, even if they tell me. I do not know all the principles to apply. I do not know for sure how to weight them or how to apply them. I do not know God's will for sure or even with any degree of certainty. I do not know for sure what other people's interests are or what would or would not benefit them. I cannot see the immediate let alone distant ramifications of any decision I make or action I take. I have been wrong many times a day my whole life. My assessment of this situation is probably highly flawed. My conclusion is highly suspect. I am in no position to judge anything. All I can do is ask God's will for me with regard to the next right action. That is the absolute limit of my assessment, and even that may indeed be wrong.