Someone asked:
I have so much trouble determining when I’m trying to do “too much” or trying to “manage” my life.
My answer:
You absolutely are supposed to manage your life. I'm not sure who told you you should not! To not manage your life is to be doltish, shrinking, and reckless. I manage my life extremely closely, and it works very well, thank you very much! I simply refrain from managing anything outside my hula hoop.
And you are absolutely suppose to 'try': page 85: we can exercise our will power along the line of God's will all we wish.
Where God comes in is this:
(1) We are the manager but God is the owner. All knowledge and power ultimately comes from God, whatever the channel. We act on God's business, not our own, and we calculate with God not with ourselves, which really means our egos (for we cannot calculate truly alone). (Step Three, Step Eleven)
(2) We are meticulous in planning and execution but are organised only to the extent strictly necessary. (Concepts VIII, IX, and III, Tradition IX)
(3) We note interim and final outcomes, and adjust our courses accordingly. (Concept IX, Step Ten)
(4) We remain personally indifferent to outcomes, however, cheerfully accepting that which lies outside our responsibility. (Step Three)
(5) We are responsible for managing our own administration, organisation, and conduct. We are not responsible for managing other people's, except in as far as our role specifically vests in us the authority to inform, advise, instruct, or direct. (Concept X, Concept XI)