It's a very common narrative that 'we' learn to wear 'masks' and become 'people-pleasers'. The solution, so the narrative goes, is to drop the 'masks', become 'authentic', stop 'people-pleasing', and attend to one's needs and wants.
I have a different approach. I'm all for masks. For instance, when I'm sponsoring, working, interacting with family, buying something in a shop, I'm playing the appropriate role. It's not appropriate for me to 'let everything out' everywhere, and it's certainly appropriate to wear a mask by acting better than one feels. If every time one felt upset one expressed that to the person who is the apparent cause, where would we be?
Inside each person is a welter of conflicting emotions and drives. Necessarily, these must be kept in check, rather than left to run around like wild boar. Discernment is necessary, and it is certainly necessary to let oneself be moulded by God to become something quite different than the starting materials. Clay, in refusing to be turned into a pot, might have the virtue of being authentic, but what good does that do?
Furthermore, exchanging obedience to societal imperatives and others' egoic drives, demands, and expectations for one's own (the famous 'needs and wants') is hardly an improvement. In fact, it probably represents a deterioration. At least the former system contains baked into it a degree of morality, cooperation, and civilisation. Authenticity to 'needs and wants' is a recipe for immorality and anarchy.
What does the programme suggest? Complete surrender to God. God gives me what I need, so I don't need to worry about that, and what I want will kill me, so let's not talk further about that. What, all in all, do I receive from the complete surrender? The keys of the Kingdom.