Sometimes emotions are seen as the problem. Or their corollary, uncontrolled and destructive thinking. A person feels bad, so they seek to fix brain function, namely the venue for the thoughts and emotions, through drugs, drink, addictive behaviours, medication, fancy-ass meditation ... I've done 'em all.
Now, those aren't bad per se (at least not until they are), and, if something is working out for you, good for you.
But here's an idea.
Here are twelve things that I have found will royally screw my mental state.
My mental state, the condition of my thinking and the corollary condition of my emotions, is downstream of these postures, habits, and behaviour patterns.
Change these, and the mental state changes.
I was super-diagnosable as a kid and, frankly, well into my thirties. Weird-ass behaviour. Panic attacks. Antisocial behaviour. Depression. Anxiety. Obsessive and compulsive behaviours. Out of control conduct in a number of different areas. You name it. You could have studied these (and, believe you me, people did: I was found to be an interesting case, at least until I pulled off one of my disappearing acts. I left a trail of hapless helping professionals behind me). The only reason I was not locked up, I'm sure, is a combination of elusiveness and ad hoc charm, plus a steely determination to walk the tightrope between normal society and its unacceptable badlands.
Now, these twelve things weren't solved overnight, by any means, and I'm not exactly Princess Parfait in full manifestation now, but things are a gazillion per cent better.
Now, what are the twelve things?
All of these required consistent, diligent work over many years, through a combination of the Twelve Steps, embodied in and amplified by much practical advice from sensible people in AA.
As these cleared up, so my mind and my emotions cleared up, automatically.
I don't blame anyone for not doing the work. People get through however they can, and people have different objectives, which is totally fine.
My mindset has always been to find the cause and fix that. So that's what I've done.