Get thinking and action in line

When right action has been determined, one must take it.

Sometimes, mental resistance remains.

There is the temptation to ignore the mental resistance and plough on.

This is better than bowing to the resistance, but is not ideal.

It creates a tension between action and thought.

Tension always seeks to relieve itself.

The elastic band snaps.

With a bit of luck, it will snap in the direction of action, and the resistance lapses.

Sometimes, however, it snaps in the other direction, and the resistance wins: the action stops.

Instead: do this:


"This resistance is coming from the ego. Ego: I reject your answer and withdraw the question I posed to you. I have nothing to say to you, and you have nothing to say to me."

This neutralises the resistance. The resistance thoughts are wrong, nothing more.

Reject them, and establish the right thoughts to accompany the right action.

"There is nothing to fear. This action is God's will. If I am mistaken, time will tell, and I needn't fret or worry. My best interests lie in doing God's will, so that is what I will do."