Some group roles are skivvy roles: tea, clearing up.
Others are social: greeting, social secretary (directing people to fellowship locations).
Yet others are organisational: chair, treasurer, GSR, secretary.
In the organisational roles, it's well to remember that leaders are trusted servants: they do not govern.
One isn't in charge. One is there to help people serve, not enforce rules or police compliance.
Occasionally, tough conversations have to be had. But these must be handled with tact, courtesy, and humanity, in person, and in the setting of a group business meeting or group conscience meeting.
No one is above anyone else.
AA groups are spiritual entities, not Kafkaesque machines of Byzantine bureaucracy.
Love and service.
Love comes first.
Some mottos:
Act as much as necessary but as little as possible.On his pastoral governance in Venice, Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) wrote about the following rule, coming from Gregory the Great but also attributed to St Bernard, that he as a young priest knew as a motto of the bishop of Bergamo, Giacomo M. Radini-Tedeschi, 'Omnia videre, multa dissimulare, pauca corrigere.' 'See everything, disregard most things, change a little.'Don't empty ashtrays when no-one smokes.Sometimes the juice ain't worth the squeeze.
'Is he not, even in his best moments, a producer of confusion rather than harmony?' (Big Book)