Dealing with The Four Rs

Sponsorship is challenging, and people often respond with the four Rs:


Someone asked how, as a sponsor, you deal with this.

In a word: you don't.

You can't fix someone else's masked unwillingness. People often think they are willing, but willingness is expressed by simply accepting the information coming down the tubes, and making all of the necessary adjustments to simply do what is suggested, without JEDI (justification, explanation, defence, or ingratiation) mind tricks.

What you can do is this:

Point it out. If they fall on their sword and adjust as necessary, continue as before. If they dig their heels in (e.g. 'but what you don't understand is', 'but what you need to know is', 'can I just say that', 'in my own defence', etc.), give 'em a break for a week or two and invite them to resume after the break if they can adopt a different attitude.

Either unresolved suffering prompts change on their part, or they have further to go. Don't waste your breath. Go onto the next one. Page 96. There is always someone willing, somewhere. There is always someone desperate to accept what you offer and go to any lengths.