It's ever so popular to try to have a spiritual awakening using drugs. People glimpse God and all sorts.
Psychedelics reduce brain activity but produce very rich experiences.
What exactly is going on here, e.g. brain activity that blocks awareness 'of other planes' or 'greater realities' being suppressed, causing these to hove into view, is actually irrelevant.
The question is, what difference does it actually make?
Does the individual pay their bills on time as a result? Do they work together in committees more cooperatively? Are they more skilful at sponsoring difficult characters? Are they less likely to watch porn? If they're a structural engineer, are the buildings they design more likely to be safe?
Seeing the picture on the jigsaw puzzle box really clearly is great, but you still have to develop and deploy the skill of assembling the jigsaw puzzle.
What does that mean in practice?
Acquiring the knowledge and expertise to actually do God's will in practice, and then devoting one's life to doing just that.
Flashes are night, but flashes in the pan, unless they light carefully assembled kindling and prompt a vigorous change in how one lives, will remain in the pan.
Also, those of us who have had teeny tiny problems with substances or behaviours that make us just a teeny tiny bit high might need to be a teeny tiny bit careful with DRUGS.