When I resent, I'm singling out others' defects for opprobrium. But I have defects too. I have never been tasked with moralising. It serves no purpose. And I'm not the man for the job.
So resentment involves moralisation.
But it also involves entitlement. I feel entitled to be free of the consequences of others' actions. I am not. I am not entitled to anything (outside the scope of societal rules and customs, which is a difference sense of entitlement). In other words, when others affect me, no cosmic law has been broken. I affect others. They affect me. That's how the universe operates. An endless chain of interactions, effects, and causality.
To neutralise the resentment, drop the moralisation and drop the entitlement.
Of course, swerve round adversity, but, if that's not possible, let it hit head on and pas on through.