How many meetings should I go to each week? Certainly enough meetings for me to be able to operate comfortably and effectively in the world. But the question is not how many meetings I need to go to; the question is how many meetings do other people need me to go to. It is other people's needs, not mine, which dictate how many meetings I go to. How many meetings I go to depends on the full array of obligations in my life and where my time is best spent. That is a question that is decided by my Higher Power, not by me. I find myself going to many meetings at the moment. It is not because I do not have a job or a family or other obligations; it is because that is what I am guided to do in my prayer, and meditation and it is not up to me to second-guess that; it is up to me to obey what comes down the tubes to me from the Higher Power and then to establish based on the results whether the guidance is correct. The results I’m getting my life and the results I see around me in my life convince me that I’m doing the right thing.
A footnote: it may look to me that the important things I do in my work are the most important things in my life. Maybe. Or maybe it's sharing for 3 minutes at my home group. Maybe it's a kind word to my other half. It's not for me to ration the 'small things' on the grounds that I have 'big things' to do. What's small to me might be big to God, and vice versa. My job is not to judge but to act in accordance with what I believe God's will to be.