The wording of Step Two suggests that we can. Really anything. Doorknob. Bus. The sea. Nature.
There are a couple of problems, however.
When you read the small print of the Big Book, you discover that this broadness is actually constrained in two ways. Firstly, the Higher Power must be capable of restoring an alcoholic to sanity, and secondly it must be capable of two-way communication. That narrows the field significantly. Bill's ideas were actually narrower than Step Two suggests.
This means that doorknobs, buses, the sea, and nature don't really fit the bill.
You can get round this, however.
The Taoists suggest that, if you pray hard enough to a rock, it will come alive.
The actual Power, whatever it is, is firstly powerful and secondly communicable with.
If you pray and meditate to a doorknob, and really believe it, the actual Power, in my experience, will overlook the misconception and save you anyway.
It's all about the quality of faith and the sincerity of the desire to seek God.