Sometimes a sponsee drinks, stops doing the work, disappears, ghosts the sponsor, you know the deal, any or all of the above.
Then they come back and apologise. Fair enough.
But Dr Jekyll is apologising for Mr Hyde. Mr Hyde isn't sorry; Dr Jekyll is sincerely regretful, having been taken offline for a few days, and having realised, post-restoration, what havoc has been wrought. Unless the re-activation of Mr Hyde is precluded, however, he will reappear, the behaviour will recur, and the cycle will repeat. The apology itself falls far short of this preclusion.
Essentially, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are in an Al-Anon–alcoholic relationship. Mr Hyde drinks; Dr Jekyll—the Al-Anon—picks up the pieces. Until the Al-Anon decides to go it alone, regardless of the backlash, the abandonment, the narrow way ahead, they'll remain enmeshed. The person has to be willing to divorce themselves and learn to be OK single.
What is required to prevent a relapse (a drunk one or a sober one) is absolute surrender.