Being upset at news and current affairs

There's a lot that is not ideal in the world. Fine.

However, what causes me upset is a small fraction of what is not ideal in the world.

It's not the world that is causing me the upset, therefore: the upset is too selective.

I'm upset because of my own psychic battles.

Those psychic battles have pre-written scripts, narratives, and are looking for a projector.

They constantly seek historical reenactment.

I'm the projector.

The world is the screen.

I scan news and current events for items that catch my eye.

What catches my eye?

Whatever has a family resemblance to the inner psychic battle I would like to replay.

I then extract isolated elements of the situation.

Like Procrustes, I then stretch and cut them to fit the internal narrative.

I find people, forums, news sites, commentaries online to amplify the signal.

Maybe isolated facts (though facts that are isolated are no longer facts but artefacts ...

... illusions produced by the process of isolating parts of reality separate from the whole.)

Maybe others' lurid narratives.

Maybe others' fabrications, daisy chains of astrological reasoning.

Most suitably: anyone with an equally neurotic structure and paranoid delusions.


To bolster the case, to build the wall, to prepare for war.

However articulate and apparently well-informed they are: beware.

Beware the silver-tongued, the rhetorically gifted, the emotive, the appealing, and the appalling.

Patterns in the stars; patterns in the world; parallels to ghoulish histories.

Once I'm all set, I press 'play' on the projector and watch the world play out.

Except it's not the world: it's my own psyche dressed up as aspects of the world.

It's my own psyche in drag.

The truth:

If I'm upset, I'm wrong.

Stop, stop, stop ...

Back off.


Grab a grown-up.

What's a grown-up?

Someone who is smart, well-informed, rational, balanced, with no axe to grind, and not upset.

And I let them set me right.