... who I disagree with or who behave immorally.
I can feel myself justified in going on the attack, by virtue of the disagreement or observation of immorality, and in exhibiting the vices of unnecessary cricisism, intemperance, pugnacity, ad hominem attack, rabble-rousing, gossip, backbiting, sniping, mockery, ridicule, demonisation, vilification, condemnation, and certainly at least the fantasy of punishment, retribution, excommunication, ostracisation, witch-hunting, and other destructiveness.
It does not matter how profound the disagreement or how disagreeable the immorality. It does not license my own descent into error, irrationality, or immorality.
Sure, there might have to be discussion, boundaries, or counteraction. However, I am morally obliged to observe certain virtues while doing so: patience, tolerance, kindness, understanding, tact, discretion, diplomacy, dignity, judiciousness, keeping my powder dry, picking my battles, engaging only where necessary, engaging only when expeditious, and engaging only when, by doing so, I am improving someone's lot, bringing about progress, or increasing harmony.
As with everything else, I am work in progress on this, but these are my ideals I am willing to grow towards.