Steps Four and Five are about uncovering what is ‘objectionable’. These are beliefs, thinking patterns, and behaviour patterns that are unhelpful (to me and others). They are objectionable because they unhelpful.
I do not believe defects have ever protected me or afforded me any benefit. I may have falsely believed that they did. If they had genuinely protected or benefited me, they would not be defects. They would be assets. It is axiomatically impossible to have a protective or beneficial defect. The benefit is always an illusion: at most a sickly ego-gratification. For example, laziness provides a sickly comfort. Gossip provides a sickly thrill. When I see the lie in the 'protection' or the 'benefit', the conflict drops, and my willingness becomes complete.
As I go through my life, the opportunity to re-enact each one will present itself many times. My job is to spot that the opportunity has presented itself and switch to doing God's will instead: the ideal belief, thinking pattern, or behaviour pattern. This is why the Step Seven prayer uses the word 'now': we do not get defects removed in bulk or in advance; they are removed in the moment through substitution with God's will for the defect. God is responsible for the direction and strength. I am responsible for taking the initiative and going to God. This is why it is God who does the heavy lifting with Steps Six and Seven.
If I am struggling with willingness, here are some questions that can help:
(1) What benefit or protection do I incorrectly believe this defect has been affording me?
(2) If I continue to practise this defect, where will it lead me?
(3) What could my life look like without the defect?