Sometimes I feel torn between the spiritual life (surrender to serving God) and the material life (being comfortable, secure, and predictable, assets and income, the attainment of ambitions, and the preservation of my image). I start to turn more to God, but the material life (in other words ego) pulls me back. Tug-of-war. Unhappiness.
What's the answer?
Some questions!
Am I unhappy now?
Do I want to be happy?
If I can answer 'yes' to both, that's a good start. The next part is harder: to change, I have to admit I have been wrong. What does that mean? It means my beliefs, thoughts, and actions have been wrong.
Am I willing to admit I have been wrong in my beliefs, thoughts, and actions?
Am I willing to be shown new beliefs, thoughts, and actions?
If so, then I ask The Guide to show me, moment by moment in each situation:
What would You have me believe?
What would You have me think?
What would You have me do?
Any resistance, fear, and objections I experience are the voice of the problem. If I have decided I want to be happy, then I have decided I do not want what that voice offers.
If resistance is strong, try these corrective measures:
Can I admit I do not like how I feel now?
Can I admit that I asked the wrong voice for how to view my situation?
Can I withdraw my question to that voice and start afresh?
The above never fails. It can be summed up by what my first sponsor asked: Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right?