People pleasing

'It's better to be a God-pleaser than a people-pleaser; there's only one of Him. But remember that God is already pleased. You don't have the power to displease God: you cannot ruin God's whole day. You're just not that powerful. Since you're here, though, you might as well make yourself useful, to God.'

'Sometimes we disappoint people who have made great plans for us.'

What is a sponsor?

A sponsor takes you through the Twelve Steps, advises on how to work the AA programme, and shows you how to apply AA principles to life.

A sponsor is not:

An emergency or blue-light service
A taxi
A doctor
A psychiatrist
A therapist
An analyst
A nutritionist
A friend
A housing service
An employment agency
A problem-solver
A trouble-shooter
An untangler of knots
A soothsayer
An oracle
A judge
A moral arbiter
A citizens' advice bureau
A bank
A parent
A power source
A life coach
A motivational coach
A search engine.

'All these people who think they're people-pleasers: they've never pleased me.'

'Nothing I do seems to please her. I don't know what she wants.'
'She doesn't know what she wants.'

'I used to think: if you have a problem, I have a problem, and until that problem is solved, I'm not OK.
I used to think: if the world has a problem, I have a problem, and until that problem is solved, I'm not OK.
Now I'm just OK.'