To stay sober, I need to do five things:
(1) Go to lots of meetings
- This enables me to access a Power Greater Than Myself
- It gives me lots of information
- It gives me a way to be useful
- It gives me a sense of belonging
- It pulls me up short when I'm drifting
(2) Stay in touch
- I stay in touch with newer people
- ... with people of a similar 'vintage'
- ... with people who are further ahead
- We tell each other what's going on
- We listen out for feedback from sponsors / advisers
- We offer input when it's asked for
(3) Have a sponsor
- Pick a good one (sober a while, knows the programme, lives well)
- Tell them the truth
- Do what they suggest
(4) Get through the first nine Steps
- Do it quickly and thoroughly
- Not so quick it's shoddy
- Not so thorough it takes forever
(5) Have a daily programme
- Pages 84 to 88 of the Big Book
- Check out 1 to 4 above
- Plus: whatever else your sponsor / friends suggest