Q: If I'm at a thing. A conference. A hotel. A nail salon. You know. With strange people. Do I tell them I'm in AA if the opportunity arises?
A: Yes. But make sure there's no TV camera running. It's anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, film, and public Internet forms. But in other settings? Everything goes. This is a major way we carry the message. Occasionally career considerations will militate against this. But rarely. So tell people. There. Drop the baloney about humility. You didn't get yourself sober so it's not humble to conceal it. It's denying God a means to work through you.
A: Yes. But make sure there's no TV camera running. It's anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, film, and public Internet forms. But in other settings? Everything goes. This is a major way we carry the message. Occasionally career considerations will militate against this. But rarely. So tell people. There. Drop the baloney about humility. You didn't get yourself sober so it's not humble to conceal it. It's denying God a means to work through you.