Relationships. Some tips I follow.

You get on with what you need to get on with.
They get on with what they need to get on with.
If you want to hang out and do something together, do it.
If you want to be quiet together, just reading or something, do it. 
If the other person wants to be quiet, alone, or elsewhere, fine.
No complaining, carping, or expressions of disappointment.
Your job is to serve them. Ask regularly if you can do anything to help.
Forgive them for everything by simply overlooking 'faults'.
They're not faults, anyway, they're traits.
No criticism, ever. Allow yourself the occasional polite request.
What's 'occasional'? Maybe once a month. Not much more.
If you want help, ask for it, and present it as such. No orders.
If you do something wrong, admit it, and don't make excuses.
Apologise and ask what you can do to make it right. Then do it.
Express appreciation, affection, and loyalty every day.
Be pleased to see them. Be pleased to be with them. Show it.