
Material world worries are worries that material world outcomes will not be achieved
The purpose of achieving those outcomes
From the ego’s point of view
Is to shore up your safety and identity in the material world
The body is never safe in the material world
And identity in the material world is equally volatile
The ego’s plan is to find safety and identity in the material world
As its answer to the existential angst
But the existential angst is not coming from the world
The calls are coming from within the house
It’s coming from forgetting who we are
Which is spirit
And consciousness
Created by the universe
And fine as it is
As we did not create ourselves
The universe did
It was majorly here first
And it knows what it’s doing
The ego’s plan is a solution to a problem that does not exist
So material world worries are way down the end of a chain
At the top of which lies the simple error that we have created ourselves
That we’re responsible for what we created
And in the vacuum of this error
We have been trying to gain
A foothold of safety
And the sunlight of identity
In the material world
If the error is corrected
Life itself fills the vacuum
And there is no problem to be fixed
The only remaining question is what to do with the day
Since you’re spirit and consciousness
You’re fine already
So there’s nothing that needs doing
For you to be OK
It’s well to use the time constructively
Not because the actions in the material world are themselves valuable
But because they are channels for love and awakening
For creation and extension of what you are
For the universe to work through you to help keep you awake
And to help other people wake up
So we still get to do the same things as before
Like working
Walking the dog
And writing Christmas cards
But with a higher purpose and without a jot of stress