When you have a problem, ask yourself:
- Have I prayed? For how long? Did I listen to the answers that came? Did I implement the answers that came?
- Which Step can I apply to this?
- Which Tradition can I apply to this?
- Which Concept can I apply to this?
- Which passage(s) in the Big Book apply to this?
- Which passage(s) in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions apply to this?
- Which passage(s) from Bill W's essays on the Twelve Concepts apply to this?
- Which passage(s) from other AA literature apply to this?
- Which passage(s) from Al-Anon literature apply to this?
- What have I learned from meetings that applies to this?
- What have I learned from a current or previous sponsor that applies to this?
- What solutions are contained in the spiritual literature I have?
- What solutions are contained in the recovery- or spirituality-related audio and video resources I have?
- What solutions are contained in other online resources (e.g. blogs) I have access to?
- What can I apply from the Just for Today card?