Step One, whatever your problem (revised 15 July)

One way of rewording the 'powerlessness + unmanageability' combo for any problem:

Step One: I persistently return to destructive patterns.

That could be alcohol, sex-related acting out, romance-related acting out, gambling, pills, drugs, starvation, binging, purging, etc. Some of these are mine.

In Al-Anon: there are four destructive patterns (with variants) I see in my case:

(1) Taking responsibility where it's not my mine to take

  • Trying to control your addiction, recovery, or life
  • Offering you solutions you already have
  • Working those solutions for you
  • Creating a crisis
  • Martyrdom, mothering, managing, manipulation

(2) Not taking responsibility where it is mine to take

  • Neglect of my own needs, duties, and enjoyment of life

(3) Giving you responsibility where it's not yours to take

  • Blaming you for what is not your fault
  • Asking you to rescue me
  • Relying on you for energy, creativity, spontaneity, and passion

(4) Denying your responsibility where it is yours to take

  • Permitting unhealthy behaviour beyond reasonable bounds of tolerance / not setting boundaries
  • Making excuses / covering up
  • Denying the effect of your conduct on me
  • Preventing a crisis when it is in the natural course of things

That's the baseline, and that's what the Steps, Traditions, Concepts, Fellowship, and Service have solved for me.