Service structure

Sometimes people don't like the service structure of twelve-step fellowships. It is true, sometimes they are operated inefficiently, so the formal process can become excessively cumbersome or actually prohibitively obstructive. But in general they operate reasonably smoothly.

One of the reasons people dislike service structures is that they provide clear channels of communication and decision-making and circumscribe the individual's ability to control through back-channels or usurpation of power, and it is this that is so often the root of the resistance to the structure: they stop one from playing God.

After all, the structure imposed under the Concepts has one overall purpose: to have God's will channelled into service actions for the good of all. I'm just a tiny decision-making cog with my own connection to the Higher Power, with a particular role to play, and a large society of others, so connected, to bow to.