Take the upsetting narrative:
(1) Remove the speculation from the narrative (mind-reading, future-reading, etc.)
(2) Remove the interpretation (ascription of meaning, judgement) from the narrative.
(3) Remove the generalisation from the narrative.
(4) Remove the personalisation from the narrative.
What is left? Not a lot, frankly.
The dog is not barking at you in a threatening way. Sound waves are passing through the air.
(1) Remove the speculation from the narrative (mind-reading, future-reading, etc.)
(2) Remove the interpretation (ascription of meaning, judgement) from the narrative.
(3) Remove the generalisation from the narrative.
(4) Remove the personalisation from the narrative.
What is left? Not a lot, frankly.
The dog is not barking at you in a threatening way. Sound waves are passing through the air.