Here is a list of opportunities for service in London:
- Sponsor people
- Perform service at group level
- Visit other groups to carry the message
- Become a GSR
- Attend Intergroup/Region, either as a visitor, a GSR, or an officer
- Take up an officer role at Intergroup or Region
- Find opportunities to speak at treatment centres or rehabs, through Intergroup
- Volunteer for telephone service (attend the monthly workshop at the Southern Service Office (SSO) for details,, relevant files here)
- Volunteer for prison postal sponsorship (relevant files here: here)
- Through your Intergroup, get on the twelfth-steppers list for your local postcode
- Through the SSO, get on the relevant specialist twelfth-steppers lists: young people, speakers of foreign languages, people with armed services experience, and users of British sign language
- If you speak Polish, Spanish, Russian, Farsi, Lithuanian, or Portuguese, attend meetings in those languages in London to help provide a bridge between those groups and the rest of AA
- Volunteer for AA's annual contribution to Crisis at Christmas, through the SSO
- Volunteer for prison service, through your local Intergroup Prison Liaison Officer
- Engage in the 'though the gate' AA prison service: details
- Volunteer for schools talks, though your local Intergroup Public Information Officer
- Become an online responder: details
- Volunteer for the online 'chat now' service: details
- Scan this part of the website for further opportunities and vacancies: details
- Take up a role for Share magazine
- Write for Share magazine: details
- Become a member of a convention committee
- Engage in online AA forums and carry the message there
- Become a conference delegate or alternate conference delegate
- Take up a role on one of the national sub-committees If you've been a conference delegate, become a board member.