(1) Can I see that my unhappiness is coming from the gap
between my perception of reality and my plan for reality?
(2) Can I see that my perception of reality is highly
selective and therefore fragmentary, and that actual reality is obscured by a
great deal of conjecture (forming views based on imagination not fact),
interpretation (seeing what we think things "mean", not what they
really are), generalisation (inferring general trends from individual observations),
and extrapolation (inferring what cannot be seen from what can)?
(3) Can I see that my plan for reality to a significant
extent boils down to wanting sex, money, power, prestige, looks, comfort, and
thrills, and in particular (with regard to prestige) approval, validation, and
(4) What value do these commodities have? How do I feel when
I chase them? How do I feel when I cannot get them? How do I feel when I get
them? How long can I keep that feeling for? How do I feel when I am making
every effort not to lose them?
(5) Is my life like the war it talks about on page 66 in
which, even when I win, the cost of chasing these commodities is a terrible
(6) Am I willing to see I need to drop the chase after these
commodities if I am going to be happy?
(7) Am I willing to see I need to stop speculating,
interpreting, generalising, and extrapolating if I am to see reality as it is?
(8) Am I willing to believe that reality might be seen
(9) Am I willing to believe that there may be better
commodities than money, sex, power, prestige, looks, comfort, and thrills?
(10) Am I willing to let God guide me to those with no