Forgiveness, low self-worth, fear, anxiety, and depression

An awful lot of what passes for low self-worth or low self-esteem is really a manifestation of lack of forgiveness.

I'm not off the hook until I let everyone else and the world off the hook.

Worry and fear: the same.

These are not about the screen onto which they're projected but the sense that I'm going to be 'gotten'.

Where is that sense coming from?

The sense I have done something wrong.

And where is that coming from?

Unmade amends, sure, but, once those are made, lack of forgiveness:

Having an eye for 'sin' (in others) will result in me seeing myself through the same dirty lens.

The reason why no therapy I undertook to treat anxiety, depression, and low self-worth worked was because it did not focus on forgiveness.

Once I forgave, the problems went.

When they come back, I have allowed lack of forgiveness back into my head and thus my heart.