The proper business of conference

Questions for conference typically seem to come out of the proposer's personal grievances: an attempt to fix something the person does not like.

Almost every question that arises relates to individual members' behaviour or the behaviour of groups. However, these are matters for individuals and groups to solve themselves, not for the fellowship to solve, by diktat, or even provide guidance on. The group has the higher power as its authority, not conference. (Tradition II)

There are legitimate questions for conference: matters that are the business of the service structure and in particular the national organisation, but these are restricted to those issues that cannot be resolved at higher levels (individual level, group level, intergroup level, or region level).

I find nothing wrong with AA as it stands. I see nothing that needs to change. When an individual, a group, an intergroup, or a region has a problem to solve, let that individual, group, integroup, or region solve that problem. The service structure: that's where the real improvement should take place, and that is the proper and legitimate business of conference, a business it is in part failing to address in AA in Great Britain because it is focusing, instead, on individual and group behaviour.