Good purpose

“When it will serve any good purpose” (Chapter 6, Big Book)

When I’m about to speak, or send a message, I find it helpful to ask, ‘Why am I about to speak or write? Is the purpose legitimate? Is the purpose good?’

Sometimes the purpose is not good, and I’m up to one of the following.

  • Justification
  • Defence
  • Explanation
  • The expression of intention
  • Bragging
  • Recruiting someone into a resentment
  • Indiscretion
  • Complaint
  • Seeking sympathy
  • Seeking attention
  • Currying favour
  • Pressurising
  • Manipulation

It’s best then to resist the temptation.

One cannot go through one’s life second-guessing everything, but I find it helpful sometimes, maybe for a day or so, to practise checking motives before saying anything. It’s amazing how many potential conversational starters or contributions get deleted before making their way out.