Giving it a minute

“Remember it was agreed at the beginning we would go to any lengths for victory over alcohol.” (Chapter 6, Big Book)

“They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.” (Chapter 6, Big Book)

When I engage in the programme to bring about profound and lasting structural change, I need to give it a minute. This means completing all Twelve Steps, studying and applying the Twelve Traditions and Concepts, and, having completed the first nine steps, giving it at least a couple of years of lots of sponsorship and service before looking up to see if it’s worked.

Very often people start casting around for other solutions before this process is even well underway, or at some other point in the process. Other therapies, fellowships, and approaches are bolted on, slowing down and conflicting with the main process, and resulting in the whole show grinding to a halt.

I have done this a lot, and it didn’t work.

There is nothing wrong per se in any other therapy, fellowship, or approach, and one must follow one’s conscience, but I got into trouble trying to adopt two or more systems or philosophies and splitting my precious recovery time between them.

The best solution I’ve found: Find a system I trust, put my back into it, and give it a minute. And, by a minute, I mean two to three years.